Weeks 20-30 and 40-45: Morocco I and II

As we all know: things don't always go as planned. For example, I didn't originally plan to go to Morocco on my Watson Year, and I definitely did not plan to go twice... Nonetheless, my project brought me there, and took me back (although with a bit of a push...), and I am excited to … Continue reading Weeks 20-30 and 40-45: Morocco I and II

Weeks 9-19: Ciao Italia!

I know, it has been far too long since I last posted, but I’ll skip the explanations and excuses! I am now over 7 months into my Watson year. Since my last post—which was about my experiences in Iceland but published a month into my time in Italy—I have attended an international food conference, lived … Continue reading Weeks 9-19: Ciao Italia!